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Athlete Mental Health Group is happening in 6 days
Athletics + Pornography the effect on our mental health and brain
There are several studies out there that share the terrible things that come from watching pornography. It is so sad to think that it effected my life for several years. I hope that you are able to find freedom from it and if you need help please reach out. Thanks for being here. Christian
Athletics + Pornography the effect on our mental health and brain
Alcohol as an athlete hurt me and kept me from my goals
Alcohol is something that really hurt me in a lot of ways athletically, financially and i think it was a big part why I was depressed at the time. It was a place for me to avoid my feelings. If you are struggling with alcohol, let me know I'm a certified Recovery coach and I've worked with some of the best recovery doctors and coaches in the world and I'd love to help you.
Alcohol as an athlete hurt me and kept me from my goals
My story on suicide and depression within my athletic results
Hey all, like I said, I want to share with you some vulnerable stuff and where I have been in my mental health journey as an athlete. This video shares my journey as a youngin who put his identity in his results, which made me depressed, self sabotaging and suicidal at times. I hope you get something out of this. Maybe sometime I'll do a follow up on the all the tools I've used to get out of that mindset. It definitely has been a lot of work. Counseling, therapy, hypnosis, retraining the mind and brain and so much more. Let me know if you struggle with this or anything similar Have a blessed day
My story on suicide and depression within my athletic results
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Athletes Mental Health
Athletes Mental Health is a place where you can be around other athletes that share the same problems and struggles with Mental Health in Athletics.
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