Day 5 of Dev100
My daughter and I have been sick for a few days (my daughter already bringing home viruses from school). My energy levels have been next to zero, so I decided to put this challenge aside for a few days.
1️⃣ Productive Morning: ✅
Woke up at 7.30am, got daughter to school on time without a mad rush. Built a new habit tracker in Notion and incorporated it into my evening reflection journal routine. I also sent off a job application
2️⃣ Organise to-dos… and do them: ✅
3️⃣ 30 Minutes of Learning: ✅
  • Put some good time into Spanish today
  • Continued Git course
4️⃣ Time to Code: ✅
Made very good progress on the Intercom build. Got through 2 blocking bugs, and learned some things along the way. This challenge has taught me to improve my note taking. I feel like I am absorbing a lot more of what I study at the moment. I am learning the art of doing less, but going to a deeper level.
5️⃣ Daily Reset: ✅
Took advantage of our daughter spending the afternoon with her Abuelos and went for a small hike with my wife.
6️⃣ Support the Community: ✅
Quote of the day - “Done Is Better Than Perfect.” This is a big one for me. I often feel like I waste too much time trying to make something absolutely perfect, when in reality, more often than not you are better off getting something to a good level and moving on to the next thing.
Useful Link: onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction} Fairly basic, but it is good to understand what is happening under the hood, in simple terms. This does a good job of explaining.
Notes: After a tough few days of having zero energy, it felt great to make some good progress on some things an get back to it. It is crazy how easy good habits can slip when something knocks you out of your stride, so I am very grateful to be able to get back to it, even though I’m not fully recovered.
I am considering adding a few extra aspects to this as my daily accountability log. One big area where I often fall down is sleep. At the start of this challenge I really wanted to prioritise good sleep habits. Often, I prioritise doing more over sleeping enough, but I found over the first few days that by prioritising sleep, I was more efficient in everything I did anyway, which more than made up for the time lost going to bed earlier. That extra energy just meant I was better in every aspect of my life; as a husband, father, friend, and developer. I really want to maintain this throughout the challenge.
Scott Martin
Day 5 of Dev100
University of Code
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