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Strategic Wisdom Circle is happening in 4 days
Showing Up Daily no Matter What
I want to get lucky. How’s that possible? I will show up every day. Because, in my opinion, luck isn’t about chance it’s about showing up. Out of 30 days, I might take 8 days off for weekends. Maybe 2 more because I’m 'not feeling it.' But what if one of those days was my lucky day? What if that random Sunday on Netflix was the day I could’ve moved closer to the life I actually want? Luck isn’t random. It’s a reward for consistency. I can’t afford to miss a day.
New comment 13h ago
Morning post
My intentions for today are: Let go of my "Cheat Day" Cookout with neighbors. Go for a walk . Clean Bathroom ..... including Shower
New comment 2d ago
Please friends, i kindly request you all to all me share something small about my good country, Uganda. Uganda!. This is a very good country except in the areas of politics. Our politics is the most stupidiest thing here. Without politics which is avoidable, the rest is excellent. Getting along with the people including locals is very easy. We have all kind of life-living in the city centre, Kampala which is a mixture of all cultures in this country. With lots of affordable leisure around the L. Victoria(formerly known as L. Nalubaale) which surrounds the city of kampala. L.victoria is assumed to have the freshest waters in the world due to the presence of inlets and outlets on that lake. Lake victoria is shared by the 3 major East African countries, i.e., Uganda, Tanzania and kenya L.victoria is africa's largest lake and the 2nd largest freshest water lake in the world. THE RIVER NILE. Stretching away from the city, we have the the longest River in the world (R.Nile). It stretches from Uganda to Egypt. Some contradictions of recent have emerged that the Nile's source is not in uganda but Burundi. However in Uganda, we originally have the demarcations that show where the source of the Nile is as was discovered by Johnspeke in 1858. He reached the shores of L.victoria and discovered the source of the nile. If you see the source of the nile on L.victoria, you really witness and confirm that it is the starting point of this great river. The Nile also harbors crocodiles and theu can be seen. Most powerful waterfalls in the world as it is written in books are on R.Nile (the murchison falls). On the way to River Nile, away from kampala, you pass through the thick tropical Rainforest, the Mabira Forest. Uganda has other nature friendly areas and attractions that can rely be of enjoyment if focussed on. This includes national parks like Bwindi which harbors the remaining 50% of the world's gorilla population, game reserves, mountains like the mountain of the moon (Rwenzori with its snow capped peak) and is the third highest peak in africa, this rwenzori stretches to another country DR.CONGO.
New comment 2d ago
Safari Episode
Hey team, I finally released my Kenya video! I’d appreciate it so much if you would subscribe, like, and shared with friends and family! Doesn’t cost a thing and greatly helps me build my YouTube channel!
New comment 6d ago
Safari Episode
New to the Group !!
Proud to be I this group ! Many thanks to my friend Michael Maxwell !
New comment 6d ago
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