SPY with a PERFECT Example of the 5 SMA Swing
If you look back at my market overview post from 5/13, you'll see that I mentioned SPY as having a 5 Day SMA swing trade setup potentially setting up for the13th. As you can see from the chart I posted, the setup followed through.
I wanted to draw your attention to this trade as a perfect example of what I teach in the first module of the "Setups" portion of the course.
Not only did SPY move 1.7% to the top of the Keltner channel (a 5.03% move up if you used SPXL), tomorrow is day 7 of the swing trade. If you jumped in this trade and followed the rules you grabbed a minimum 5.03% and right now SPXL is sitting 5.73% above the entry price. We still have another day of this trade but price would have to fall $7 in a day for it to not have played out perfectly (and even if it did you should have taken some profit off the table at the Keltner Channel).
For more info on how to trade this setup, check it out in the course and always feel free to let me know if you've got any questions along the way!
Derek Barnett
SPY with a PERFECT Example of the 5 SMA Swing
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