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86 contributions to Trash Panda Trades
9/50 EMA Crossover potential?
Hi, Just watched the setup video this morning and now looking for plays to test this strategy on. Came across GLD + GLL (GLD short). GLD looks like it's close to crossing. May want to wait until Friday or Monday to make an entry on GLL. Any thoughts?
New comment 3d ago
9/50 EMA Crossover potential?
2 likes • 3d
Good eye on those @Sean Quach let's see what happens. I don't have experience using this setups with those sectors so I would look back and see how it's reacted in the past to that setup in preparation.
Market Overview (Week of 6/24/24)
The Markets: Though QQQ and SPY both saw some selling pressure last week we are still in an overall uptrend. QQQ and SPY neither one have seen a real pullback on the charts since the end of May. I would not be surprised to see some selling pressure continuing this week as a pullback could be healthy before we potentially keep climbing. That said, be careful shorting such a strong market. Trade with the trend. My bias will not change until or unless we break the trend line or stop putting in new higher highs/lows. Economic News: - Monday - Fed Speaker Daly at 2pm EST. I don't expect her to say anything that would change the direction of trading intraday but it's always good to be aware. - Tuesday - Home Price Index released in the premarket might provide some important levels for the day. Fed Speaker Cook at 12pm EST. - Thursday - Jobless claims and GDP in the premarket could provide important levels for trading around the day. - Friday - PCE data in the premarket could create important levels for trading around. Fed Speaker Bowman at noon EST. Notable Earnings: Tuesday - CCL Thursday - NKE Interesting Sectors: - None
New comment 5h ago
Hello all
I’ve been following Trash Panda on X for a while. Love the content. Been trading consistently for a few years using the Daniel’s Learn to Fish strategy. Always looking to learn more and find a new edge!
New comment 5d ago
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Welcome @Michael Smith glad to have you here!
If you are growing a small account tonight is for you!
Hey all! Super excited for tonight’s webinar and to walk you through exactly how I would go about growing a small account to pattern day trader status so that you can reap the benefits that come with it and compound your gains faster. Starts at 8:30pm EST and the link is in the calendar. See you then! Derek
New comment 10d ago
Three day gap fill - BOIL
Hi, Was able to secure another win using the three day gap fill strategy. During pre-market today I noticed BOIL gapped down so I placed a buy stop limit order right at 19.37 which hit within first 10 minutes of market open. Placed a 2% trailing stop loss right after. - Took first profit selling 1/3 at ~1% above entry, moved TSL so it's right at entry price - Took second profit selling 1/3 ~2% above entry, moved TSL so it's right at 1st profit target. - Ended up selling half of my remaining just 10 cents after and eventually stopped out at 19.71. Ended up with 1.72% profit. Not bad, although I did miss much more of the move afterwards. Still applying mostly this strategy which has been great, but want to see more consistency before I size up my position as well as making this strategy more profitable.
New comment 10d ago
Three day gap fill - BOIL
1 like • 11d
Way to go, @Sean Quach !
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Derek Barnett
236points to level up
Day trader. Value investor. Financial literacy educator. Preaching the power of compounding income.

Active 11m ago
Joined Apr 9, 2024
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