Chewy with a Beautiful Trend Day
In my daily trading plan yesterday over in the pro community, I shared CHWY as one of the top trades I was interested in taking and was able to grab the trend day on it and ride it for almost 4% profit on the day.
I don't say this to brag, I say it to remind you that first you copy a trading style, then you become an artist. The stuff I teach took a long time for me to develop as my own edge where I can spot this stuff setting up and get in quickly when it's confirmed. With enough learning, reps, and journaling, you can develop your own edge as well and see the consistency and confidence you are looking for.
In the meantime, if you need some guidance, I post my daily trading plan over the in the Pro Community each day to give people a place to get started with ideas as they make their own plans for each day.
If you've worked your way through the course in here and still need some more help, the continued education on things like position sizing, coaching, and daily trading plans could potentially go a long way to help some of you break through the ceiling in your trading.
If you need help or have questions on what you've learned so far in here, don't hesitate to reach out or post in here!
Derek Barnett
Chewy with a Beautiful Trend Day
Trash Panda Trades
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