Reuben Days 31 -35
Keep getting behind posting.
Day 31 was last Friday - we had a grooming session again as the weather is not treating his coat well. I do a kind of bucket game, the food is visible in the pot, he holds position, I brush a little bit, then reward comes. If he moves away, that's fine, just wait for him to reset if he wants to, then continue.
Day 32 - 35 we've been working on some conditioning exercises set by "canineapex" on Instagram. We've working through: Square stand on Saturday; kickback stand on Sunday; head lifts on Monday; down to stand yesterday and today we've tried shoulder dips. It's all been a lot harder than it looks, as is usually the case, and it's giving me basic exercises to do with him to build up baseline fitness. I've been receiving some useful feedback tips to help us both improve our mechanics and form. We'll be doing these for the next few days as well.
(I also took him to Pets at Home today for a social call which is always good environmental exposure for him.)
Grace Francis
Reuben Days 31 -35
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