The Terence McKenna Experience
Public group
192 members
Welcome to the community!
This is an effort to revive the once vibrant Terence McKenna Experience group on Facebook, but also to become home to anyone interested in Terence's ideas.
About Me:
I'm Peter Bergmann, the creator of two documentaries about Terence available for free on YouTube, alongside hundreds of short videos of his talks. My goal here is really to use the platform for building a community and sharing Terence's ideas in a very clear and useful way.
I think the group and online community was at its peak around 2015-2017 and we did so many crazy things, and then it sort of dissolved, and then in 2022 I had some major YouTube issues and stopped uploading regularly and stopped doing livestreams... and the Facebook groups never really recovered... so this will be a good test whether we can build something meaningful again.
My hope is that the community is alive and well, it just didn't have a good platform for a while.
The Terence McKenna Experience
"Find the others, and then you will know what to do"
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