Write something
Just getting started
This is very early on but I wanted to send out invitations to all the long-time McKennites who have been in the original Facebook group, and to some folks on Reddit, but eventually I will build this up into a very informative place for anyone interested in Terence's ideas. Thanks for joining, feel free to post anything!
New comment 14d ago
Come visit
Whenever in Uruguay, stop by for a Dmt ceremony. My cave permits all mckennites. Grab the plane ticket and the rest is on me. Jai, Dmt; all else is fraudulent.
Come visit
Happy New Year
Does anybody else believe that Terence had to leave early for a reason? I may well be crazy but this idea keeps working itself into my mind. That maybe he had to depart early because there was/is some sort of business for him to attend to from another realm. Of course this “other realm” would be intimately interconnected to our own. I think he was spot on about Something coming soon and fast. It’s just impossible to discern exactly how many Earth years that would translate to for a living human. It may be in our lifetimes or not. But I believe he is working to assist us from the other side. Of course, language fails and it sounds like I’m conceptualizing Terence to be a distinct and defined individual “other” as opposed to a beam of reflection from one transcendent human consciousness. But I’ve written enough. I love you 💗
New comment 9h ago
What was Terence's take on the idea of channeling?
Darryl Anka started channeling Bashar in 1983. Terence McKenna zoomed out in 2000. Did the two ever meet? I would have paid a kidney to hear that conversation. There is also Jane and Seth, Carla and Ra, Esther and Abraham - lots of channeling went on during Terence's lifetime. Curiously, I don't think I have ever heard him speak on the skill/phenomenon (human being and extraterrestrial being align their energies, human transmits extraterrestrial thought forms in human language - that's the idea). What was Terence's take on it? One could make the case that he was doing it himself. One could even make the case that everything is some form of energy channeling... P.S. Writing this post, I saw a very strange light flash by outside my window🥳
New comment 2d ago
What was Terence's take on the idea of channeling?
McKenna in da house!
From one McKenna to another. Open your eyes and make the world a better place!
New comment 9d ago
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The Terence McKenna Experience
"Find the others, and then you will know what to do"
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