💎 When You're At the Crossroads, Where Do You Turn?
Recently, a community member wrote to me asking for my advice about what kind of business he should pursue.
A couple of responses came to mind.
First, when someone is at a crossroads in their career, it's an exciting time (even if it doesn't feel that way). It's a sign that a positive shift is taking place.
Second, the free course *Get Paid To Be You* in the Classroom tab is a six-lesson mini-course that condensed my 72-page eBook, ⭐️Tiny Little Empire: How To Build a One-Person Subscription-Based Business Based on What You Already Know⭐️ into digestible bites that will help clarify a direction for you.
For those who long to be a writer, even though it's a bit pricey at $97, I'd recommend purchasing Tiny Little Empire. Indeed, please read through the free course first as I condensed it into a free six-lesson mini-course to provide the main ideas behind the eBook.
The full version of the eBook will give you much more. I recommend this because starting with what you already know is the best place to begin. Teaching what you know is a perfect starting point in online business. Plus, online teaching can be very financially rewarding.
I believe everyone, whether acquired through education, career, or specialized training, has several areas of expertise that I call *Authority Topics.* The eBook shows you how to uncover, package, and market your authority topics into courses you can write about, sell, and form an online business around.
If this sounds like you, check out the free course GET PAID TO BE YOU here, and then get the eBook, Tiny Little Empire here!
Baz Morris
💎 When You're At the Crossroads, Where Do You Turn?
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