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Pay Per Call Examples?
I am gearing up to adapt my current funnel to do a pay per call option (been using leadshook form entry exclusively up until now). This may seem like a silly ask but any recommendations for resources on how to actually get the prospects to phone? 🤔 Yeah, I know, put the number on the page and say "call now" would be a start 🤣 Right now, I think we do a good job of building up value in getting the to fill out the form, but that gives them a quote. It could be as simple as just offering them the quote but they call for it instead of entering details? That will be what I test initially anyway and go from there. Initial thoughts/ideas: - Include a nice friendly avatar pic of someone who will be taking their call - Lay out the bullet points of what will happen on the call and how they will benefit. - Express that it will be a no pressure environment where they can get their quote and options
New comment Jul 18
Which one would you choose, and why?
A single days lead results example - are you after profit or ROI?
New comment Jul 9
Which one would you choose, and why?
What is Your Tech Stack?
I am curious to know your tech stack, i.e. the tools you use in your lead gen operations, what you use for your funnel and any backend operations. One, I like to learn. Two, I want to be able to develop content that is pertinent to you. Maybe your stack is genius, maybe not, maybe somewhere in the middle and maybe it doesn't exist yet... all of that is ok. Never afraid to say - hey know what.. there's a better way maybe, lets try this. My forte ( if you will ) is in dissecting other peoples and businesses systems and making them better. Admittingly I am my own worst doctor at times... LOL.
New comment Jun 28
Request: Lead JSON post data
If you are willing to share with me a sample lead post ( just a sample one, the data can be fake), pot here or DM me, preferable in JSON format. I'd like to see some of the differences out there so I can add to the distribution solution. If you do, let know the key qualifiers, I know I tend to collect a lot of data the clients them selves do not need, this is pass through data, data that needs to be digested gets handled a little different. This is related to distribution automation with n8n
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