The Initial Steps Of Growing Your Brand.
If you truly want to scale your company, you need a brand, set your vision properly and aim for that goal with everything you have.
For instance, our vision with Ascension Automotive is to grow into a global brand, with merch sales, car builds, a popular youtube channel etc…
You know, all the glorious things in life.
But, this is not easy, if anything sometimes it gets soul crushingly difficult. If you want to go down that path, by all means try it because it is possible, just harder than what I am about to speak about here.
Building a well known local brand will scale your business tenfold in the long run within your local area, it will also help you get your business off the ground from the get go.
Think, your city probably has a flagship restaurant that everyone loves and goes to, all you have to do is make your car detailing have a great reputation like that and then your brand is the staple in your community.
Having a brand name, a well structured social media ecosystem and top tier website, you’re already 70% of the way there as this is the way most car care consumers check for legitimacy before booking with a brand.
Here’s A Simple Step By Step Guide To Starting Your Brand.
  1. Choose your name
This is very, very important, this is literally your identity, how people will perceive you and where your business will be generated from.
I spent a while choosing Ascension Automotive, it actually started as Ascension Auto Detailing, But We Have Further Scaled From That Point And Moved To Ascension Automotive, It was a small rebrand, but we made it work.
Try to make your name stand out, it's much easier with AI now, have them generate a ton of names and if you find one you like, choose it, if there are not any good ones, keep brainstorming.
  1. Build Your Social Media Platforms
Create your Instagram, TikTok and Facebook Profiles
These are the 3 platforms that I have found to have the best return for attention in the past 2 years.
I Will be making a masterclass on social media growing and optimizing here soon, but for now, just create these pages.
  1. Create a Google Business Profile
A Majority of our business came from google and has therefore generated us a ton of money and attention, we have grown to one of the largest companies in the area and it helps a ton with lead engagement.
There are a ton of ways to optimize your profile, throw on some pictures of cars you’ve done work to, put your logo up there, start making some highlighted posts etc.
Again, you have to stand out from the crowd.
These 3 pieces are crucial for starting your local car care brand, stay tuned for ways to grow, optimize and scale your brand from here.
David Alam
The Initial Steps Of Growing Your Brand.
The Detailed Perspective
We Teach 18-25 Year Old Auto Restyling/Car Care Companies How To Scale Their Companies To $10,000/Month.
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