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Welcome to Season 16 Gentlemen & Happy New Year!
“The problem in most situations is not a lack of calling; but a fear of responding to the call.” - Michael Meade Men in The Unshakable Man Program: We are beginning another seasonal process. Use this post to follow along in the program over the next 3 months. Every season is another invite and opportunity to discover and refine this mastery practice of becoming an Unshakable Man. To new men WELCOME! To returning men Welcome! We begin by answering the call! This is something we must learn to do. To men outside: Click here to schedule a free purpose and power session to explore joining the program. For men in the program > Getting Started START > Week 2: #Week 2: Returning To Practice Gentlemen - share your experience from week 2 below. Follow along in the program for each weekly theme and embodied practice. I'll follow up with each of you to schedule our self-leadership assessment. REMEMBER: NONE OF US HAVE TIME. WE ARE ALL HIGH-ACHIEVING MEN WITH RESPONSIBILITIES, CHALLENGES, TESTS, & ANXIETIES. THIS WORK IS MEANT TO INTEGRATE INTO OUR LIVES. THIS IS OUR UNSHAKABLE MISSION. WHEN IN DOUBT, REACH OUT, AND WE WILL FIGURE OUT HOW TO INTEGRATE THIS WORK INTO YOUR DEFAULT LIFE AS IT IS. Wednesday Group: @Christopher Wilson @David Shepherd @Daniel Wayne @Alok Singh @Kyle Melchior Thursday Group: @Christopher Wilson @Kevin Jackson @Mike Messersmith @Jim Burke @Matthew Wayne @Isaac Bauer @Israel Waldrop Welcome - First Group 3/14!!!! Not committed to a group: @Faris Oweis
New comment Jan 17
Being Unshakable
Guys I wanted to share an experience I had over the weekend and what I uncovered about being unshakable. My wife was in a funk (sad) all day Sunday and Monday (don't need to go into details on that it's just for perspective). In the past I would fall into the sadness momentum and do what I could to "fix" the situation. Instead, through my work with Chris, I was able to put into practice the things I've learned in this work. I allowed my wife's sadness to impact me and empathized with her, understood that wasn't mine to hold onto and took care of myself with that understanding. I wasn't perfect at this process and what Chris and I uncovered together was that this process of empathizing and taking care of myself happens over and over again and my ability to allow that and take care of myself provides the strength needed for my wife to do her work and take care of herself. It is not my job to take care of or "fix" my wife, it is my job to ensure I'm taking care of myself and being Unshakable for my wife and our relationship. Being an Unshakable Man provides the strength those we interact with can use to take care of themselves and thereby create a strong co-creative relationship. While "knowing" this is good it is so important for me to get grounded in my body and feel this. Be Unshakable!!
New comment Sep '23
I was just watching an episode of Star Trek TNG and Geordi is talking to Data (an android for those unfamiliar) about anger. Data asks him to explain how it feels to be angry and Geordi says, I feel hostile, belligerent, combative. Data asks him, "Could you describe feeling angry without referring to other feelings?" Geordi says, "No, I guess I can't. I just feel angry." How many of you have been there? I know I spent most of my life there and it was so interesting to see this play out on a Sci Fi show. This is exactly why we do what we do in our groups...learn how to feel. Our emotions come from the body, not our vocabulary, our head. I can't tell you how many times someone in group has asked me, "what are you feeling" and I can't explain it, I can feel it though and I can tell them where I feel it and I can even describe what it feels like, I just may not have a word for it.
9/11 Unshakable Man Program Group
Chris Checking In - Every Monday, I start my week with our first group. This week, we had a few men away on vacation, and it was just two of us in the space. The theme this week is integrity and accountability. When you create an intentional space to drop in, you discover something amazing about integrity and accountability. It's soft, fierce, and gentle. You realize that the intensity and aggression required to right yourself in the world was a protective part of you that you once needed. This part is known as a loyal soldier. He's not you, but he is a part of you that helps and holds you back. Inversely, you also notice there is an inner flatterer that tells you amazing things about yourself. Both immature parts block you from sensing and embodying your deepest, truest, fullest sense of who you are. Today, two men helped one another care for each of those parts, giving them space to be expressed, and in doing so, they relaxed into their most mature ways of being. This generative nurturing adult was embodied, and both men transmuted their reactive tendencies into calm, clear, insight, and direction." - @chrisleewilson Checking In If you want to join one of our groups in The Unshakable Man Program, we have 5 spaces on Monday, 3 on Wednesday, and 1 on Thursday. It's a 6 month commitment and costs $500 per month. After 6 months, we intend to graduate you into starting your own group or joining a group in our community. We are training men.
9/11 Unshakable Man Program Group
9/7 Unshakable Man Program Group
Chris checking in - Our Thursday group is our largest group right now. This week, we are in the first week of our presence phase. The theme is reflect and review. But, tonight, we ended up. We used the space to connect on sexual energy, our relationship with our sexual energy, and our fears, insecurities, interests, and anything that came up for us surrounding this topic. You can't do deep men's work without introducing and engaging in sexual energy. This is my 14th cohort of The Unshakable Man Program, and there's something special I'm noticing. Every group gets here on its own. Eventually, we end up here together. Naked. It's always a tipping point. It's a sign that a men's group is forming into a container with the relational intimacy to do deeper collective healing and transformation. I am so honored to witness these men grow and use the space we've created together. - Chris Checking In. If you want to join one of our groups in The Unshakable Man Program, we have 5 spaces on Monday, 3 on Wednesday, and 1 on Thursday. It's a 6 month commitment and costs $500 per month. After 6 months, we intend to graduate you into starting your own group or joining a group in our community. We are training men.
New comment Sep '23
9/7 Unshakable Man Program Group
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The Unshakable Man Program
High-Achieving Men: Become an unshakable leader through somatic group work and personalized 1:1 coaching!
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