9/11 Unshakable Man Program Group
Chris Checking In - Every Monday, I start my week with our first group. This week, we had a few men away on vacation, and it was just two of us in the space. The theme this week is integrity and accountability. When you create an intentional space to drop in, you discover something amazing about integrity and accountability. It's soft, fierce, and gentle. You realize that the intensity and aggression required to right yourself in the world was a protective part of you that you once needed. This part is known as a loyal soldier. He's not you, but he is a part of you that helps and holds you back. Inversely, you also notice there is an inner flatterer that tells you amazing things about yourself. Both immature parts block you from sensing and embodying your deepest, truest, fullest sense of who you are. Today, two men helped one another care for each of those parts, giving them space to be expressed, and in doing so, they relaxed into their most mature ways of being. This generative nurturing adult was embodied, and both men transmuted their reactive tendencies into calm, clear, insight, and direction." - @chrisleewilson Checking In
If you want to join one of our groups in The Unshakable Man Program, we have 5 spaces on Monday, 3 on Wednesday, and 1 on Thursday.
It's a 6 month commitment and costs $500 per month.
After 6 months, we intend to graduate you into starting your own group or joining a group in our community. We are training men.
Christopher Wilson
9/11 Unshakable Man Program Group
The Unshakable Man Program
High-Achieving Men: Become an unshakable leader through somatic group work and personalized 1:1 coaching!
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