7d ago (edited) in MC Insights
Your Tribe Will Drive You!
You want to know the secret sauce behind real success? Spoiler alert: it’s not about stacking cash (though that’s cool too). The truth is, it’s your people who push you to be more than you’d ever be on your own. Yeah, we all think we’re self-driven, but let’s be honest... there’s a whole different gear you hit when someone’s counting on you.
I’ve had plenty of business wins, but I’ve never been driven by dollars. If that were the case, life would be way simpler, right? But no... what gets me out of bed is knowing that my value helps others level up. That’s the real win, and it’s something money can’t measure.
Funny thing is, when you’re responsible for more than just yourself, you start doing things you wouldn’t even do for your own benefit. Suddenly, their success becomes your fuel. Their feedback, your power-up. That’s the kind of drive you can’t fake or create in isolation.
So here’s the takeaway: find your tribe, the ones who challenge you and rely on you. They’ll push you further than you’d ever go solo—and the rewards are deeper than anything you can cash in.
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Justin Garcia
Your Tribe Will Drive You!
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