3 simple steps to stop being useless
"Life isn't designed to give you what you want. It isn't designed to give you what you need. Life is designed to give you what you deserve." - Jim Rohn
The old wisdom shares, "Nothing in life is free" but most men today don't think this applies to them.
Especially if it's under the guise of "doing the right thing".
These greedy men think the world owes them because of some sort of righteous debt.
The problem is that the greedy men want...
  • their wife to honor them,
  • their kids to look up to them,
  • their brothers to respect them,
  • their income to free them...
But they refuse to do the work to become more!
Brother, if you haven't achieved what you claim to be working toward, and have been at it long enough to know you aren't any closer...
I'll offer you three easy steps toward getting that help so that you can stop waiting for the universe to give you rewards you haven't yet earned.
Step 1 - Help Yourself
You should be reading books, taking courses, moving your body, and strengthening your mindset every day! Investing in oneself through education and physical preparedness triggers more creativity, broadens perspective, and raises standards. No one's coming to save you.
Step 2 - Get Help
Find mentors who've been where you want to go and have the ability to transfer it to you through a guided path of progression. Find a group of like-minded men who can remind you where your path is. Sometimes, trying to figure out how to solve a problem is like trying to look at the back of your own head.
Step 3 - Help Others
When I wrote Tribalnomics, it was to take the abstract nature of relationships and create a tangible, almost mathematical system that can be studied, applied, and improved upon. Whether it's improving your own abilities through the Feynman Technique, or enjoying the ROI of investing in solid people, Tribe Matters for a reason.
Last year, I spent over $50k on coaching, courses, and upgrades.
I can say with absolute certainty that if I relied purely on IQ and hard work, I'd be nowhere near where I am today.
Moral greed is feeling entitled to outcomes you haven't earned just because they're "good".
What you invest reflects your skin in the game and the game of life isn't built for spectators.
Justin Garcia
3 simple steps to stop being useless
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