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Wins in University program
In case you are considering to join our University program but unsure what kind of results you can expect. These are results from different students over the past 2 weeks. If you want to see if this is a good fit for you too, book a free onboarding call here:
New comment 8d ago
Wins in University program
What are your personal wins?
Share them in the comments below!
New comment 8d ago
What are your personal wins?
A little Success
I did it. Finally after the courage of 3 years, i was finally able to do it. So one of my professors gives us a numerical to solve everday. The method i was following to do it was a little different from his method. But both of them gave the same answers. So i mastered up all of my strength to go to hia room and asked him about it ( he told us to come to his room if we have any doubt during office hours to not to disturb teh class). He not only guided me that both the methods were almost same with a slight difference but also gave me tips where to use which method. Thats a little success for me as i were never able to do it ever before. I was so happy about it so i thought i should share it with you guys. "Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. For in the end, it's the small victories that lead to the greatest triumphs."
New comment 10d ago
I wrote a Biology quiz today and I got 100%! All thanks to Tom’s study methods!
New comment 14d ago
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