Hi guys,
As an SDR, I've always felt If I didn't book somebody from the first call, then I never would. Feel quite comfortable going in completely cold but I'm naff at following up. Always felt that to hit my target I was starting from scratch each month, whereas other SDRs had a pipeline to work from.
Two things I'm curious to get everyone's thoughts on:
1: How do you go into follow up calls? You've discussed something specific, there was some interest but timing or budget wasn't right. How do you go in to a call and reference the last call without just getting 'yeah still no budget call back in 3 months', and you know they will say the same in 3 months again.
2: How do you stay on top of them? I've started using a spreadsheet where I group my meaningful conversations and grade them from 1-4, with 1 meaning follow up asap and 2 being follow up in Q1 and so forth.
Keen to see how you're all following up! I know it's been a weakness in my game for the longest time