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Evaluating Productivity in Hybrid Teams
Balancing the benefits and challenges of flexible work arrangements is crucial for maintaining team productivity. According to Gallup's study of 2,877 remote-capable workers in the U.S., effective collaboration requires structured plans and continuous adaptation. Key Insights ✨Need for a Collaboration Plan. Half of hybrid workers (48%) lack a formal or informal plan for effective collaboration. Teams with a collaboration plan are 2.2 times more likely to report a positive impact on teamwork and 66% more likely to be engaged at work. ✨ Regular Team Meetings. Regular check-in meetings optimize coordination. Guidelines for availability and communication enhance team collaboration. ✨ Reflect and Adapt. Ongoing discussions about improving hybrid teamwork lead to 84% better collaboration and 50% higher engagement. Only 22% of teams have regular discussions about hybrid work, indicating a need for more frequent reflections. ✨ Upskilling. Only 21% of hybrid workers have received training on effective hybrid work. Effective managers, who are trained to lead hybrid teams, result in four times higher employee engagement and wellbeing. Source: GALLUP. What's your experience with hybrid team productivity? Do you think these strategies would work for your team? Share your thoughts.
New comment Jul 30
The High Cost of Low Employee Commitment
Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report provides a comprehensive overview of employee engagement worldwide. According to their research, low involvement costs the global economy $8.9 trillion, or 9% of global GDP. 23% - Engaged 62% - Not Engaged 15% - Actively Disengaged Here are three key insights from Gallup's research: ✨ Insight 1. Better job markets reduce employee misery but don't necessarily increase engagement. In countries with better job markets, fewer workers are actively disengaged since they have more opportunities to leave bad jobs. However, these conditions mostly shift employees from active disengagement to indifference rather than high engagement. ✨ Insight 2. Employee engagement is a critical predictor of business performance during challenging times. During economic downturns, engaged employees are more resilient and committed, leading to better business performance. They double down on their efforts, while indifferent workers feel powerless. Higher engagement levels correlate with lower turnover and higher profitability. ✨ Insight 3. Strong labor laws and employee engagement together enhance employee wellbeing. Labor laws ensure fair treatment and job security, contributing to life satisfaction. However, workforce engagement plays a more significant role in fostering optimism. Engaged team members in countries with robust labor protections report the highest wellbeing levels. These insights highlight the need for organizations to prioritize engagement strategies to boost productivity and reduce turnover, regardless of external economic conditions. Let’s Discuss! 💬 What strategies has your organization implemented to enhance employee engagement? How do you balance between macro-level policies and micro-level management to improve workplace wellbeing?
Let’s Read: "Benefits Revolution: The Next Generation of Employer-Sponsored Healthcare"
A crucial aspect of an effective EVP is offering comprehensive benefits. "Benefits Revolution: The Next Generation of Employer-Sponsored Healthcare" by a group of authors is essential for enhancing these offerings. The book provides insights for HR professionals to create better healthcare at lower costs. Featuring experts like Nelson Griswold and John Quinn, it shares models and strategies for analyzing medical and pharmacy claims data to identify savings opportunities. This resource helps HR professionals offer comprehensive healthcare solutions, making them more valuable to their organizations and attractive in the marketplace. By applying these insights, companies can enhance their EVP, offer better benefits, and attract and retain top talent. Have you read this book? Share your impressions.
Let’s Read: "Benefits Revolution: The Next Generation of Employer-Sponsored Healthcare"
Why Workers Are Quitting
In 2023, 27% of U.S. workers quit their jobs, costing employers nearly a trillion dollars. Labor market experts predict a Great Resignation 2.0 in the near future, which will likely increase turnover rates even further. Major reasons for this include a lack of career development, work/life imbalance, and health or family issues. Causes of High Turnover. The primary drivers of high turnover are a lack of career opportunities, insufficient work/life balance, and unmet employee needs. The rise in employee expectations for personalized engagement and flexibility has also contributed to this trend. Experts emphasize that employees leave when critical needs aren't met and trust is broken. Improving Retention. To combat high turnover, companies need to offer clear career development paths, enhance flexibility in work arrangements, and personalize employee engagement strategies. Providing opportunities for both professional growth and personal interests can significantly improve retention rates. Organizations should support managers in understanding and addressing individual employee needs, fostering a culture of empathy, and aligning personal goals with company objectives. What do you think about this?
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