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3 TIPS for Shoulder Mobility
1.Do Shoulder mobility EVERY TIME you train upper body. If you start doing your mobility when your shoulders hurt, your NOT doing mobility, your doing rehab. Learn this stuff, understand why it is effective. Understand how to play with end range isometrics, intensity, and positions of the shoulder. 2.End Range Circles. This mobility option has been gold for me. Ive attached a video in this post to show an overhead circle set but they can be done anywhere. They improve connective tissue and end range control, Do these before major hanging or overhead heavy days and thank me later. 3. Do stuff in all your ranges. We have Internal and external rotation. We have abduction, and adduction. We have flexion and extension. overhead training is very popular. Adduction is the least popular. extension is also very uncool in these mobility streets. variation is key for healthy shoulders
3 TIPS for Shoulder Mobility
Shoulder Talk
Shoulder injuries are the most searched injury on google. This may have something to do with 2 phenomenons. 1. The shoulder is intricate. Many joints combine to create our "shoulder". Perhaps our anatomy evolved this way to help our accuracy when throwing things, plus add an amazing whip to absorb a whole lot of power. Our ability to pinpoint a throw accurately was certainly a physical advantage for hunting purposes. But this intricate design creates a delicate nature. The more features of a tool, the more ways something can go wrong. 2. Specialize or do nothing. We as a fitness society have become an all or nothing type of culture. We are either going heavy or watching Netflix. There isn't much in between. That massive gap in intensities with a lack of diversity creates a chaotic environment for your shoulder capsule. We must add diversity to our shoulders just like the shoulders of our ancestors. If you throw javelin or play baseball, introduce more variety of forces/directions so your shoulder can be more adaptable to change at the joint level. The combination of how the shoulder is designed mixed with what we choose to do with it has been disastrous. Please share your shoulder stories, shoulder wisdom, injuries currently dealing with, or recent shoulder gains here!
New comment Jun 18
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