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Root of the problem? 🫚
We are obsessed with getting to the root of the problem. What is the problem? How can I remove it? We are convinced that the body works like this. As if there is a twig stuck in a pipe and if we can just remove the twig, everything will be smooth again. I wish it was that simple, but that’s not how it works. You see, there is a million things affecting our health simultaneously that are constantly changing and a million other things that interplay with our body. The functionality of our system is in a constant state of clicking “reload” button. New information, emotions, stimulus, force, and stress being thrown into the system daily, and a general feeling coming out on the other end. To try to understand the root of the problem is not only impossible but when you truly zoom out, it’s foolish. Let’s take a better approach. Let’s assume that our body will feel better if things work the way they are supposed to. Your muscles should contract, your joints should articulate, your mind should be healthy , your ribcage/lungs should expand well, your food should be organic, your sleep should be plentiful, your house should clean, your neck should be mobile. your hips should be strong. Your hamstrings should be strong. Your cardio should be respectable. Your core should be strong. Your lunge should be stable. Now if anything I just said is off, then any salesman can say “that’s the root of the problem” and if you continue to believe the health coach, you will agree and say “yes” that’s the root! We’ve figured it out! Then you will spend $1000 on the best food and new mattress, then say…wow I feel better. Then someone else says, you know, your quad isn’t strong, that’s why your knee hurts, then you do quad extension and your knee feels better, until it doesn’t. Then the next injury coach says no it’s your pelvis alignment, and you say, ohhhhh, yes, that makes sense!! My last coach says it was my spine, but pelvis, now we’re on to something. And again we go with pelvis exercises on YouTube.
A quick story about heart
I went to a wacky seminar about love and the heart in Berkeley about 10 years ago. A family member dragged me there. I walk into a sort of spiritual church gathering place, beautiful art everywhere, it was a great. I sit down (about 20 min early) and the man holding the seminar is sitting on stage stairing into the abyss for the entire time until we start. He was from Canada and had a mystic look in his eyes. People like this are either deeply nuts or showering in truth daily, it is one or the other. He had a few best selling books so I figured there must be some substance here. He starts talking with another woman on stage (conversation style, very organic) He then begins taking questions. A woman raises her hand and begins to speak. You can immediately hear her pain. She's trembling, lost, and full of hurt. The entire time up to this point has been about 'love, understanding love, and the heart' She is crying and says "I have only been used, and I have nothing left, I don't know what to do" He looks at her deeply, and says "give your heart" For whatever reason, she understood, and perhaps the way he said "give" made sense to everyone in the room including her. Her voice changed. And I sort of understood his message to. My interpretation was the heart is a never ending reservoir of love. It never runs out. We hold onto it and get exhausted. Perhaps the woman was exhausted from holding on to what she 'thought' she had left, as if it could run out. This is all in the mind. The heart of course has an expiration date from a physiological perspective, but, while it's pumping, love can pour like a faucet if you get out of the way and let go of whatever has hurt you. There is always love to give, just give it. love doesn't expect return. Do not treat love like a real estate investment. Thats when we have missed the point of love and life. I shall also add, do not treat a real estate investment like love.
Hey Mobility Truth Seekers, I have uploaded a “3 day mobility program” into the course tab. Now there’s definitely going to be some foreign language there and I don’t expect you to fully understand it. So go ahead and read through it, and please DM me or drop comments to ask questions about specifics. Thank you all for being apart of this community. We are nearly at 50 people.
New comment Aug 1
Important Breathing Exercise
This is a fantastic introduction to the power of chest expansion regarding mobility and function. I received a certification in Postural Restorative Institute (PRI) this year and it was a game changer for my body. The asymmetrical nature of our body receives air more through the left chest wall than it does on the right chest wall. This creates an imbalance of air pressure through our chest which can affect the can affect the ribcage, thus the shoulders, scapula, spine, and neck drastically. Air plays a vital role in how our body positions itself. Learn this technique, and then perform your CARs/Mobility/Strength Training after! I promise you will be addicted.
New comment Jul 18
Important Breathing Exercise
Stiffnes around joints
Hello i would like to ask you do you have any tips how to increace Hip IR mobility? I’ve done a lot of P&Rs firstly i had an neurological problem because i had blocked SI joint, felt pain when squating and end range bounced me off but i fixed that and increase my active end range little bit. But now its so hard, as a powerlifter i am stiff, around my joints is a lot of connective tissues and P&Rs feels like almost doesnt works. 🥲
New comment Jul 17
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