Finding Deals on MLS [ON AUTOPILOT]
Unlock for $49
Finding Deals on MLS [ON AUTOPILOT]
This master course shows you exactly how to set up my exact systems for finding deals on the MLS on autopilot. My two step strategy will find you as many deals as you can handle. It singlehandedly brought me in $60K in GCI during my 6 week challenge a few months back. What would $60K in GCI do for you? Enroll now to find out. P.S. Every 5 students we increase the price so don't wait!
How I Get Clients from the MLS
Unlock at Level 2
How I Get Clients from the MLS
Watch me source investor clients directly from my MLS!
My 3 Favorite Ways to Get Investor Clients
Unlock at Level 6
My 3 Favorite Ways to Get Investor Clients
A 3 part masterclass that tells you my 3 favorite ways to get serious investor clients & walks you through exactly how I do it. Don't miss this.
Scripts Vault
Unlock at Level 4
Scripts Vault
Take a peek at my highest converting scripts & customize them to fit your style. Never again question what you are going to say!
Complimentary 1 on 1 Call w/Tara
Unlock at Level 8
Complimentary 1 on 1 Call w/Tara
Get Tara's eyes on your business so you can strategize, business plan, or set up an actionable strategy for you to implement. The sky's the limit!
Investor Agent Academy Training Suite
Private Course
Investor Agent Academy Training Suite
The IAA official training suite available to IAA students only. For access & more info, visit: [](
Pay in Full Bonus: Scripts Vault
Private Course
Pay in Full Bonus: Scripts Vault
Get access to every single script your will ever need when working with investors. All done for you & organized for maximum conversion!
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