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Welcome to the Community!
The courses for this group are still being built out, so feel free to work through what's available and chat amongst each other here! We'll post updates as content comes online! Our hope is to be able to pass on the martial arts to other people who share similar interests! Feel free to look at trainings, talk gaming, ask questions, and find friends!
New comment 2d ago
Movies that inspire people to train martial arts
One of my greatest influences as a martial art is the film blood sport with Jean Claude Vandamme. Not for the brutality that the title entails. But rather the friendship and camaraderie the fighters had in the movie as well as the amazing things one can do in martial arts if willing to put in the time to train it physically. What movie has inspired others training to keep it exciting for them? Even if a person has seen it a hundred times I want to know. Eric Miller.
New comment 1h ago
Movies that inspire people to train martial arts
My journey in the martial arts
Hello all . To those who dont know me I trained with sifu nic and sihing (sifu) courtney. I had previously been a student of Robert Young as a child martial artist. Having studied in Fred Villaris Shaolin Kempo karate. He went on to found Eastern Dragon karate school. That school focuses on combining the aspects of shaolin kempo karate he taught me in the Fred Villari system as well as other aspects of the martial arts. Currently I study Uechi Ryu Karate with Sensei John Guarnieri at 603 Karate where I am ranked brown belt. And I am currently also studying American Kenpo Karate with Senior Professor Shawn Knight of Knight Method Kenpo school. I am ranked blue belt in that style. My training in the martial arts has been a facinating one. I have done various things. Met various people. And I look forward to the journey continuing and meeting other great people along the way.
New comment 9h ago
Nerdy Books!
What's everybody reading right now? I'm doing my annual re-read of Pyramids by Terry Pratchett, it's my favorite book in the Discworld Series and I always want to go back to it during the fall since it's such a nostalgic and cozy book.
New comment 12h ago
Mid-October Training Log
What have i been working on the most lately? Reviewing several older katas/forms that I haven't done in a long time to try to keep them fresh. Interesting things that I've pulled from my practice/training? Any time I go back to older forms (especially ones I have done in awhile), I often find new "stories" or self-defense ideas within them that are different from previous times I've practiced them. What do I plan on practicing next? Since I'm in the midst of restructuring some of my teaching patterns, I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of review on fundamental techniques, forms and weapons to determine the best way to teach others to do it effectively!
New comment 12h ago
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The Geeky Martial Artists
A place where geeks and nerds - who have learned or want to learn martial arts - can come together as a community!
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