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Weekly Business Coaching Call is happening in 5 days
Weekly Coaching Call
Here is the link. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 822 6081 0451 Passcode: 125250 Join me each week as we discuss all things business and help you with your own business. Training, Q&A, and lots more. 8pm every Monday (Sydney Australia Time)
Weekly Coaching Call
Group Members Notice - Existing Members
Good evening. We have finally decided to push the 'go' button on the community and move to a paid community. This is so that we can provide higher quality content and more coaching to help each of you. I need each of you to complete the on boarding form that all new members will now be completing. So here are the big changes: 1. Each Monday there will be a post for you to all put up 2 key tasks that you are going to achieve that week in your business. 2. Each Friday there will be a 'debrief' post that will go up for you to then report how you went with your two tasks. 3. Each Sunday afternoon (Sydney Time) at 5pm will be a coaching call that will be held live on Zoom. These will be recorded and put into the classroom for you to access later. This community was always designed to help you grow your business but sometimes we need someone to hold us accountable and force us to get things done... so this is your accountability notice. We look forward to helping you grow your business.
Group Members Notice - Existing Members
I've been a little absent... but changes are coming.
Hello to you all and especially our new members. I have not been any where near as active on the community over the last two weeks and I do apologize, but it has been for a good reason. I have been setting up the main business coaching website and the new format for what this group will be focused towards. I will be reaching out to everyone in around a months time to make sure that everyone who is part of this group is committed to being active and growing their businesses (or learning how to). After a new attempts to engage with people on this community, if I do not get any engagement, those people will be removed from the group. This doesn't mean that people can not re-join, but it means that we will be making sure that a minimum level of interaction is maintained. I would love to hear from all of you.... what is the biggest challenge that you currently face in your business? Leave a comment below.
Life is a matter of perspective. If we see things incorrectly then we will make incorrect assumptions and then incorrectly decisions. When I was younger I though that any money I had in my wallet or bank account was mine. If you think this was as well then I ask you to let me present a better perspective. The money you have is not yours. You are just managing it for your future self. You are literally your own financial manager. If you spend today's money on things that decrease in value then you just stole from yourself. Your future self. What is the roll of a financial manager? To get the highest returns on the money as possible. What has low or negative returns? . A night out . A movie . Personal vehicles . Toys & hobbies . Holidays / vacations . Parties . Games What has high returns . Health and fitness (to a point) . Personal & Professional development training . Communication skill training . Coaching/mentoring (with the right people) Anything where you can invest in something that will directly lead to higher financial returns or increased earning potential. So look at money as an investment tool, not a spending too.
New Training Video Posted
I've just put up the latest video in the classroom This training is a high level overview of the entire business process. We will dig down into each of the parts in additional training but this will give you a snapshot of what a business needs to function and how to put the pieces together.
New comment May 12
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The Business Growth Project
The Business Growth Project is a business development, personal development and networking community designed to help you grow your business.
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