Group Members Notice - Existing Members
Good evening.
We have finally decided to push the 'go' button on the community and move to a paid community. This is so that we can provide higher quality content and more coaching to help each of you.
I need each of you to complete the on boarding form that all new members will now be completing.
So here are the big changes:
  1. Each Monday there will be a post for you to all put up 2 key tasks that you are going to achieve that week in your business.
2. Each Friday there will be a 'debrief' post that will go up for you to then report how you went with your two tasks.
3. Each Sunday afternoon (Sydney Time) at 5pm will be a coaching call that will be held live on Zoom.
These will be recorded and put into the classroom for you to access later.
This community was always designed to help you grow your business but sometimes we need someone to hold us accountable and force us to get things done... so this is your accountability notice.
We look forward to helping you grow your business.
Simon Gibbs
Group Members Notice - Existing Members
The Business Growth Project
The Business Growth Project is a business development, personal development and networking community designed to help you grow your business.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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