Musician Collabs
Hi! I was inspired by an earlier post here for Teachers in this group who are musicians to create music for meditation Teachers. Love the idea! As I sat with it a bit, my astrology lens kept thinking about Pluto moving into Aquarius in November for the next 20 years... which I believe is going to have a strong emphasis on collaborations and community-building. (Thank you, Doug, for leading the way here!).
So, I had the idea to create one base meditation track (called Chakra Play) and then invite musicians to take that track and add in their creativity.
Which allows the listener to experience the wide variety of creations that can flow when different individuals play together. #plutoinaquarius
I shared the idea with and she's playing with the base track now. And I'm inviting anyone else who wants to play, to do the same!
The base track just uploaded to my IT profile today, link below. It's a free track so that lots of listeners can get to know all of us. And my description each time a new co-creation is uploaded will focus on introducing the musician in the collaboration!
Lmk if you'd like to play and I can send you the link to the mp3 file. There's no rush, it's an open invite.
Big love! xoxo
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Vivienne Gerard
Musician Collabs
The Downward Doug's
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