Sep '23 (edited) in Introduce Yourself
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Welcome to the 11 Plus Journey OS !
Purpose of our community:
Our community gathers devoted Parents and Guardians. Together, we aim to provide clarity and support, ensuring each child reaches their utmost potential in the 11+ exams.
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  • Engage: Share results and helpful resources with each other in the relevant channels.
  • Stay Curious: Have questions? Ask away! We each thrive on shared knowledge.
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  • Be authentic. Share, learn, and engage genuinely.
  • Cold DMing or unauthorised promotions are strictly off-limits and will result in immediate removal.
Note: Engagement should be genuine. No spamming or self-promotion.
Please introduce yourself below or in the 'Introduce yourself' channel using the following prompts:
  • → What is your name?
  • → What school year is your child in?
  • → How long have you been preparing for the 11+ exams?
  • → What's your biggest hope for your child's academic future?
  • → What challenges are you currently facing in the 11+ preparation?
  • → What topic does your child struggle with the most?
  • → What would be a dream outcome for this exam season?
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Sabah Hadi
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The 11 Plus Journey OS
A hub for parents and caregivers in the UK navigating the 11+ exams. Access advice, resources, and our exclusive 11+ journey course for parents.
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