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Teacher Burt Premium is happening in 3 days
54/60 day speak challenge
New comment 4d ago
54/60 day speak challenge
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Keeps putting us in a loop.
Premium Group; Sorry I Was Busy and Forgot Our Meeting
I was think about the great number of my student who might be self-sabotaging their English proficiency because part of them don't really want the outcome. The short article was just posted.
Are Your English Challenges Skill Based or Self-Sabotaging?
I constantly meet and work with really smart people who think they have an English skills problem while their English is advanced, but their anxiety causes issues such as speaking too fast. Could this be your challenge? Could it be that your conscious mind knows you need to speak English slower and clearer, but perhaps your subconscious mind is always reacting with the fear of making a mistake or even the fear of being promoted and not being good enough? Are you trying to satisfy your perceived expectations of others, like your parents, or competing with siblings? As parents, I'll tell you that most of us want our children to be happy and secure. Your siblings are probably wrapped up in their own lives and hardly notice what's happening in yours! I constantly notice people use passive English learning activities, such as studying grammar textbooks or watching English videos, when their problem is actually speaking! Remember Pareto's 80/20 rule, where 80% of results come from 20% of the best efforts! For English speaking, these are shadowing, reading aloud, and recording yourself speaking, all of which are applied with self-assessment and small improvements daily. Once you remove these roadblocks and start doing the 20% that really moves your English speaking skills and confidence, you will truly be a proficient English speaker at work and the rest of your life! If you haven't done the scorecard, consider doing it now to clarify your business English requirements.
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Are Your English Challenges Skill Based or Self-Sabotaging?
53/60 day speak challenge
New comment 6d ago
53/60 day speak challenge
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Teacher Burt
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This group helps members become confident in using business English in the global economy. Access a free community, courses and live Zoom meetings.
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