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Landing page
hey all - please see our landing page The primary community will operate here, but the landing page is something that you can share with friends. In addition, we're posting our guides as webpages so they exist in a centralized location
New comment Mar 21
Welcome To Tajdid
Tajdid is a community to bring Muslim brothers and sisters together to uplift each other and provide mentorship. The goal is to bring ambitious Muslims together to reach levels of success together. Community Guidelines 1 - Our community is one intended to better the career development and networking opportunities for Muslims . It is not a place for: - Political discussions or conspiracy theories - any political discussions will be removed. While we recognize the importance of dialogue, there are other platforms for those discussions. - Religious debates - this community is not a place to discuss Islamic rulings or complex theological matters. Certain posts for more context on certain industries (such as investment banking or PE) are allowed, but refrain from claiming that a specific profession or job task is explicitly haram or halal. - Inappropriate behavior - Our community operates on the principles of professionalism. We do not tolerate swearing, sexism, racism, or any form of harassment. 2 - Advertising guidelines - certain advertisements will be permitted to promote the Muslim community (e.g job postings, fellowship awards, tutoring). Please message an administrator for approval before posting. 3 - Have fun, make friends, and post about anything you want as long as it's not inappropriate
Introduction to a medical career
Embarking on a career in medicine holds profound significance for Muslims, aligning with the principles laid out in the Quran. Central to this pursuit is the Quranic verse (Al-Ma'idah 5:32), which emphasizes the sanctity of human life: "Whoever saves one [life]—it is as if he had saved mankind entirely." This ayah underscores the divine value of preserving and promoting well-being, making a compelling case for us to engage in the field of medicine. The profession allows us to be agents of healing, embodying the concept of "rāfiḍa" or elevation, as they work to alleviate suffering and promote the health and vitality of individuals. Choosing a career in medicine is not just a professional decision but a deeply spiritual one, rooted in the profound teachings of the Quran and the imperative to contribute to the welfare of humanity. This guide will provide you with basic insights into the life of a physician, the educational path, and essential steps to embark on this fulfilling career. 1. 1. What Does a physician do? Doctors diagnose and treat patients' medical conditions. Their responsibilities include: 2. 3. -Patient Care: Conducting physical exams, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, and developing treatment plans. 4. -Preventive Care: Advising on preventive measures, vaccinations, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. 5. -Medical Research: Contributing to scientific advancements through research studies and clinical trials. 6. -Education: Educating patients about their conditions and providing guidance on managing health. Many people do not know that pursuing a career in medicine may involve many roles (or even full-time jobs) away from direct patient care, such as translating research findings into therapies, working for a pharmaceutical company, or hospital administration. 1. 2. Does medicine pay well? Physicians' salaries can vary based on specialty, experience, and location. On average, however, physicians in the United States earn a competitive income. Keep in mind that the cost of education and training can be substantial if attending a private university. While our primary purpose for choosing medicine should not be for prestige or money, it should be kept in mind. Here is some more information on physician salaries.
IMPORTANT: Transitioning Tajdid to WhatsApp
Salam all. Jazak Allah Khair for your support in helping grow our community of ambitious and professionally minded Muslims. For logistical reasons, we will be closing this Skool group and transitioning Tajdid over to a WhatsApp community. Please join at:
Small group sign-up for med school advice
Salaam! Interested in speaking to a mentor about getting into med school? Tajdid is working with Muslims in Medicine to roll out our small group sign-ups for the summer. Check out the spreadsheet (linked below) to find a mentor of interest, we have 2 for med school advice. The sessions are capped at 6 students per mentor. Link:
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Launching a Muslim community to guide youth careers, with hopes of sparking a modern Islamic renaissance (tajdid) and restoring Muslim excellence.
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