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Weekly Goals
In what % did you achieve your last week's goals? If it is not a high % reflect on why you didn't, what didn't work out, slowed you down or what you lacked knowledge of. Still, it is Saturday, the end of the week and you need to set your goals for the following 7 days. Your goals must be hard enough to provide you with a little stress, enough to take action, but also achievable and only dependent on your personal work, not on other people. Aim for 3 big things that you will accomplish by the end of this week 🎯 I will encourage you to share your goals down below with the community, firstly to give you a sense of commitment, by being a man of your word and becoming an obligation, and secondly for you to come back and have fair feedback on your journey.
Don't be a multi specialist
I’ve been an agency owner for a year, at the start I was a one man band doing everything for myself by myself, do I recommend you do this when you start? No. Is it necessary NO! Yes there is a character building element of starting by yourself and doing everything for yourself. That’s the only benefit, you may get one or 2 clients, but the quality of your service will be poorer than your weakest competitor. Your focus will be split inbetween, systems building, service delivery, lead generation, client acquisition, understanding the niche, understanding the client. So on and so forth. I’ve recently restarted my agency and I take more of a specialized role of understanding my client and their business. Yes I take calls, yes im still active in the business, but I’m not trying to be a specialist and every single part of my business, I leave that to the specialist.
New comment Mar 8
Now, this is a very interesting way of comparison!
One can do a lot of things but still they hire professionals. Why? So, when you ask writer why they are charging an x amount or why you need a professional writer, answer these questions- Do I have the time and the bandwidth to research and write? Do I know how strategically I have to structure my write-up to get my readers hooked? Do I write or invest time in my brand or business? It is like asking makeup artist "I can do the makeup myself still need to look good so do that alone" There is no such package!! If you want your makeup to be on point - you have to begin from the basic step - Cleaning, Toning and Moisturizing. Same goes to writing. Writer must do some research, understand the concept, chew and munch on it and then write the content for you. There is difference between doing self makeup and hiring a professional right. If you can understand that, you ought to understand this as well.
New comment Mar 6
Now, this is a very interesting way of comparison!
happy sunday everyone
hope all agency guys are doing well and as well freelancers and business owners. what are your plans on this Sunday and how are you all feeling today😇
New comment Mar 5
Sharing a valuable lesson learned while running my performance marketing agency
In the dynamic world of client relationships, one experience stands out - the delicate balance between being friendly and maintaining professionalism. Early on, I believed that fostering a friendly rapport with clients was the key to building strong partnerships. However, a particular encounter taught me otherwise. Despite delivering exceptional results, a client suddenly distanced themselves, citing a perceived lack of professionalism. This eye-opening experience highlighted the importance of clear communication and boundaries. While being approachable is essential, it's equally crucial to maintain professionalism at all times. Striking the right balance ensures trust and respect in the client-agency relationship, ultimately leading to long-term success. Lesson learned: Friendliness is invaluable, but professionalism is non-negotiable.
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