Now, this is a very interesting way of comparison!
One can do a lot of things but still they hire professionals. Why?
So, when you ask writer why they are charging an x amount or why you need a professional writer, answer these questions-
Do I have the time and the bandwidth to research and write?
Do I know how strategically I have to structure my write-up to get my readers hooked?
Do I write or invest time in my brand or business?
It is like asking makeup artist "I can do the makeup myself still need to look good so do that alone"
There is no such package!!
If you want your makeup to be on point - you have to begin from the basic step - Cleaning, Toning and Moisturizing.
Same goes to writing.
Writer must do some research, understand the concept, chew and munch on it and then write the content for you.
There is difference between doing self makeup and hiring a professional right.
If you can understand that, you ought to understand this as well.
Ritwik Ahlawat
Now, this is a very interesting way of comparison!
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