Superhuman Newsletter!
Q4 Mastermind!!! PLEASE READ!
  • We need a headcount to finalize booking and submit a deposit. If we don't have an accurate headcount, there may not be enough rooms available for everyone. Even if you're unsure, please select "maybe." If you are 100% going, select "yes."
  • Join us this SATURDAY to go over details such as cost, rough itinerary, photos, etc.
Tuesday's Community Sales Call
  • Led by Joey Bibbo! Joey will cover successful negotiating techniques and how to get your deals contracted at the best price possible. Don't miss out on this valuable session!
Wednesday JV Deal Desk
  • We are implementing new systems and a more streamlined process to create the best partner experience. Because of this, we will temporarily cancel this call. We will notify you when it is ready to go live again!
  • With that being said, We ARE STILL available to partner with you. Deals must be contracted, and you need to provide the contract, photos, address, and your contact info. Reach out to me directly if you need help moving a deal.
Thursday, Guest Speaker
  • There will be no calls on Thursday due to 4th of July Holiday, Enjoy the day!
Friday Community Comp Session
  • Join Joey and Zach at 6 PM EST for our community comp session.
Saturday Q4 Mastermind Planning Session: 10 am CST
  • Join us for our Q4 Mastermind Planning session! This will take place in lieu of Saturday Accountability and Launch. Group accountability and new member launch will continue next Saturday!
We appreciate y'all! Have a kick ass week!
1 comment
Tayanee Ashley
Superhuman Newsletter!
SuperHuman Wholesalers
We exist as a community to help each individual achieve their highest potential in business and life. Alone we're average, Together we're SuperHuman.
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