🚨New Wholesaling Regulations in Texas PLEASE READ‼️
Hey Family! There are new regulations regarding Assignments in the state of Texas that require us to disclose to the sellers that we are assigning the contract if that is our intention.
On this Saturday’s Community Call we will be discussing how to adjust successfully, working alongside this regulation and how to stay compliant as we build our businesses to the seven figure mark.
We NEED to stay up-to-date on Laws and legal developments affecting our Industry in order to be stay relevant and continue making money. If you have not already, please go to the calendar section for this upcoming Saturday’s call and add it to your calendar so you do not miss this call reviewing this Milestone Asjustment to our industry. I will see you guys there!
Earon Bevans
🚨New Wholesaling Regulations in Texas PLEASE READ‼️
SuperHuman Wholesalers
We exist as a community to help each individual achieve their highest potential in business and life. Alone we're average, Together we're SuperHuman.
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