2024 Bootcamps and Q4 Retreat
😃What's up Superhuman Fam! I wanted to give you guys as much as a heads up as possible.
Here are the dates/location so far...everyone is welcome to attend all of them. 💓
If you are a Mid Ticket, you have free entry to all 3 Bootcamps, and will only have to pay for access into the Q4 retreat.
If you are a High Ticket, you have free entry to all 3 Bootcamps, and the Q4 retreat.
If you are a Subscription Member, please DM or text me which of the 3 Bootcamps you would like the free entry to.
👉If you are unsure which type of member you are, please DM or text me. Everyone is welcome to all of the events, this post is simply to inform everyone of the dates, so you may choose which you'd like free entry and can make arrangements.
Q1-March 22-23-Oklahoma City
Q2-June 28-29-San Antonio
Q3-September 20-21 San Antonio
Q4-December 11-15 ???
Last Question, Please vote where you'd like us to host our Q4 retreat.🔥🔥🔥🔥
My number for anyone who doesn't have it is (210)773-2612. (Also, please respond to me about this, it will get lost if sent to Earon lol)
Cancun, Mexico
Las Vegas, Nevada
Miami, Florida
Same Mansion as the Dallas Mastermind!
68 votes
Ciara Monique
2024 Bootcamps and Q4 Retreat
SuperHuman Wholesalers
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