Get my head in the game!
Ladies help me with your motivation tips. I need to pull my finger out and get going on this. I know what I should be doing. I have the knowledge and experience but I am so paralysed by overwhelm that I can’t get going. (Stupid ADHD)
I wanted to use the 6 weeks holidays working from home as a kick up the butt to get going. Printed all the workout plans off and set my treadmill up alongside my kettlebell. My brain was so motivated but it never happened.
I then used the 6 weeks holidays as an excuse because I was so busy working and looking after my girls that I didn’t get a moment to do anything.
Now they’re back at school and I’m about to start my full time work from home job. I really want to do this. Change my life for the better.
What gets you going? Please tell me how you do it.
I know all about meal planning but that doesn’t fit my life. I cook super healthy and fresh for myself and girls and don’t mind doing that each night. Food is not my problem. It’s getting moving. Doing that walk, doing that workout.
I started so well on this journey but I’ve hit a road block and I need to snap out of it.
Jodie Carver
Get my head in the game!
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