👋 Hi, my name is Susan!
I live in a historic lighthouse and keepers cottage that I am restoring on Lake Superior and I plan on writing a lot of books. The first book series will be in the cozy mystery genre and will feature various lighthouses on the Great Lakes.
I want to get these 3 things from the community:
  1. As an engineering nerd, I like to deep dive into technology and really really understand it.  I am hoping the community helps me learn faster than I would on my own.
  2. I work from home, and not a lot of people in my local community geek out over the things I do, so I want to be surrounded by like-minded people and have a sense of community.
  3. I want to be inspired by what others are doing!
5 fun facts about me:
  1.  I am an award-winning jewelry artist 
  2.  I am classically trained as a Material Science Engineer 
  3.  I used to design sporting goods but now I am a Product Development Engineer Consultant for software start ups, primarily in the Ag Tech realm.
  4. My husband and I spontaneously bought an old lighthouse to restore and live in a few years ago, and no, we were not lighthouse fanatics before that but we do love historic houses, and you can’t beat the view that one has!
  5. I am obsessed with traveling and my goal with writing is to make passive income to fund my travel habit.
A few of my websites that I built really fast over break…
I am rebuilding my personal website to better reflect both the jewelry and author aspects.
I would love to connect with the Lighthouse lovers out there to run some of my ideas past you!
Susan Harbourt
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