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Stoic Mastermind is happening in 44 hours
-----Developing Hardcore Discipline: Master Your Mind "Hardcore discipline starts in the mind. Train your mind to be stronger than your emotions. When you feel like quitting, remind yourself of the end goal. Control your thoughts, and you control your actions. Discipline isn’t just physical; it’s mental warfare. Master your mind, and you’ll conquer anything that stands in your way." ------Accomplishing Hardcore Goals: All-In Mentality "To accomplish hardcore goals, you need an all-in mentality. No half-measures, no shortcuts—just total commitment. You eat, sleep, and breathe your goals. Every decision, every action, is aligned with your mission. This level of dedication separates champions from everyone else. Go all-in, and watch yourself achieve the impossible." These scripts are designed to resonate with those who are deeply committed to their fitness and athletic goals, emphasizing the grit, discipline, and mindset needed to achieve greatness.
New comment 2d ago
This is a share from my buddy nick Wisdom If you want to know and understand the road ahead, talk so someone on their way back. (Chinese Proverb) Listen to those who have hit rock bottom and have climbed out. Listen to those who have made all of the mistakes on the way. It doesn’t mean that the person knows all, it means they are a little further down the road than you. They aren’t better than you, they just have experience you don’t. Learn from them.
We can’t stop the storm but we can dance in the rain
Every obstacle is an opportunity to learn
New comment 19d ago
Never suppress your strength to appease the weak
If you look back, how many times have you dumbed yourself down to be on the same level as lower class people? Complained or conversed with people that add no solution or valuable substance to your life. Roll with those that will push you not pull you
New comment 23d ago
Think about it, speak about it
“You can only be treated the way you let someone treat you” ~ Kevin duggan You can’t disrespect me if I don’t allow it You can’t hurt me if you can’t control me You let them in your head, that’s on you! You let them hurt you, that’s on you! You let them disrespect you, that’s on you! If it’s all on you than hallelujah cause you can control and change you! If it was all on them and everything was their fault Well shit, you can’t do a fucking thing about it Make this shit about you! Own your shit but don’t take any shit!
New comment 24d ago
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