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Daily Gratitude Check-In 🙏
Hey everyone! I’ve decided to start something simple yet powerful: every day, I’ll come back to this post and write down 3 things I’m grateful for. And I’d love for you to join me! 🌿 Why am I doing this? Studies show that we’re actually wired to notice the negative things in life more than the positive—it’s a survival instinct. But practicing gratitude regularly can rewire our brains to focus on the good stuff instead. It’s like training a muscle to see the world in a brighter light! 💡 🌱 How does it work? Come back here every day. Drop a comment with 3 things you’re grateful for. Do this consistently, and watch how your mindset shifts over time! Here’s what I’m grateful for today: 1. I had an amazing start of the day with a cup of coffee☕ 2. The temperature was very nice out and I had a great walk here in Brielle the Netherlands with my dog Fred. 3. I started the Start again community here on School, I love finding like minded people. There's so much more I can share about today that I'm grateful for, even tough my default isn't that positive. So if I can, you can. Your turn! Definitely share this with people you care about, It’s a small act that can have a big impact on how we see the world. 🌞 #GratitudeChallenge #SmallStepsBigChanges #PositiveMindset
New comment 18h ago
Daily Gratitude Check-In 🙏
Productivity made easy with Braintoss and Email Filing Structures
To stay productive, I combine for capturing tasks and a structured email system for organizing them. This keeps me focused on actions and ensures non-actionable items are stored for later. Step 1: Capture with Braintoss so you have a brain to think with. Any task, thought, or idea goes straight into Braintoss and lands in my inbox for processing. Your brain can't retain everything and you should have capacity to think. Step 2: Organize Email for Action I use a simple email structure to sort tasks a main file with sub files: 01. Action Required – Urgent, short-term, and long-term tasks. 02. Waiting On – Replies, confirmations, or delegated tasks. 03. Projects - Ongoing project-related emails. 04. Someday/Maybe – Items to save, ideas, or things to read later. Step 3: Process Regularly I process my inbox 2 x daily in a matter of minutes with 18 direct operational reports, clearing tasks and organizing everything. This keeps my mind free of “open loops,” which reduces decision fatigue. I can focus fully on the task at hand and be 100% present without distractions. If I can do it in under 2 minutes I do it right now. By following this system, I’m able to act decisively and stay in the moment. What about you? Share your best productivity practices below! #Productivity #GettingThingsDone #Braintoss #Focus #BePresent #ShareBestPractices
Productivity made easy with Braintoss and Email Filing Structures
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Start again
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