Productivity made easy with Braintoss and Email Filing Structures
To stay productive, I combine for capturing tasks and a structured email system for organizing them. This keeps me focused on actions and ensures non-actionable items are stored for later.
Step 1: Capture with Braintoss so you have a brain to think with.
Any task, thought, or idea goes straight into Braintoss and lands in my inbox for processing. Your brain can't retain everything and you should have capacity to think.
Step 2: Organize Email for Action
I use a simple email structure to sort tasks a main file with sub files:
01. Action Required – Urgent, short-term, and long-term tasks.
02. Waiting On – Replies, confirmations, or delegated tasks.
03. Projects - Ongoing project-related emails.
04. Someday/Maybe – Items to save, ideas, or things to read later.
Step 3: Process Regularly
I process my inbox 2 x daily in a matter of minutes with 18 direct operational reports, clearing tasks and organizing everything. This keeps my mind free of “open loops,” which reduces decision fatigue. I can focus fully on the task at hand and be 100% present without distractions. If I can do it in under 2 minutes I do it right now.
By following this system, I’m able to act decisively and stay in the moment.
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#BePresent #ShareBestPractices
Bo Smol
Productivity made easy with Braintoss and Email Filing Structures
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