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MB's Clip for 'ADC Mastery' > 'Pre-Game' > 'Pre-Game Checklist'
Hello all, This is my first post in this community. After going through the section of 'ADC Mastery' entitled 'Pre-Game', I am posting a clip for the 'Pre-Game Checklist' video to fulfil its action step. In the video, Coach Leo spoke of three pre-game aspects to consider: - Assess whether you can attain level 2 first and determine your strategy for the first three waves - Acknowledge whether a 3v3 benefits or harms your lane and visualise your options in the 3v3 matchup - Remain aware of the summoners spells as key cooldowns in the 2v2 I reviewed my previous game along those guidelines. What did I learn? A lot, actually! Here is the clip: What I learned: - I did not assess whether I could gain level 2 prio as Kai'Sa/Rakan into Jinx/Soraka. Looking back at this, I'd thinking the Jinx wants to Q2 onto the wave and Q2/Q1 poke me and Rakan. I expect most Jinxs are afraid of the knock-up from Rakan and would play more defensive if he postures aggressively. It's reasonable to assume we can get the level 2 prio since Kai'Sa's Q is an excellent wave clear tool and any 50/50 trades would benefit us early with an enage support. - I did not think about the first three waves. Now I'm under the impression that a 3-wave crash would be more beneficial, since me and Rakan needed some space to play out our engage strategy. This means some poke during/after the crash would be reasonable. The video states a ward after a 2-wave crash is optimal while a ward at 1:20 (prior to the lane starting) for a 3-wave crash is optimal. I managed to do this successfully! In terms of the execution of the crash, I did not accompany the wace completely, so the crash was only semi-successfully. Furthermore, I began to hit the wave immediately afterwards, which shows I was not thinking about our matchup strategy at the time. I should have waited for the wave to come towards us, match their level 3, and then look for an engage kill. - I did not assess whether the 3v3 would benefit my lane or not, nor did I visualise how the matchup would play out - both in terms of what Hercarim likes to do and how I would outplay/setup the ganks. Looking back, I can definitely see Jinx wanting a more stable lane, so the volatility which did end up ensuing benefitted me accidentally. The jungle matchup was Twitch vs Hecarim. I'm unsure when he usually ganks, but I do know that I need to play to the left handside of the lane to avoid his Q. The core move would be to dodge the Jinx W. Flash would be the last resort. - I do ping the enemy summoner spells and runes every game I play, so the point about being aware of key summoner spells is partially fulfilled. However, my thought process doesn't go beyond this process. I think, in theory, my playstyle should change based upon my access to summoner spells and the state of the opponent's summoner spells. I do communicate when they are down, and I do acknowledge when an opponent has no spell during a fight, but I could definitely improve my gameplay when I myself have spells on cooldown.
New comment Aug 6
Step 4. Pregame check list
This is a video of me implementing the wave mechanics provided by the step 4 top lane material
New comment Aug 2
Step 4. Pregame check list
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