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Turn Quits into Wins is happening in 13 days
3 tips to Retain Members Longer
Retaining members in your studio isn’t just about the workouts drills or classes - it’s about building a strong, connected community that feels like family. Here are three ways to make your studio a place where members love to stay: 1. **Host Social Events and Gatherings** πŸŽ‰: Organize fun events like potlucks, movie nights, or family days! These social gatherings help members connect beyond the studio, forming friendships that make them excited to come back. 2. **Create Member Recognition Programs** πŸ†: Celebrate every achievement, big or small! Whether it’s reaching a fitness milestone, showing consistent attendance, or achieving personal goals, recognize your members’ hard work with shout-outs in class, on social media, or in a monthly newsletter. When members feel valued, they stay committed! 3. **Encourage Peer Support and Mentorship** πŸ€—: Pair up new members with experienced ones for informal mentoring. This not only helps newcomers feel welcomed but also gives advanced members a chance to lead and inspire. Fostering peer support creates a supportive environment where everyone feels they belong. Creating a sense of community turns your studio into a second home, where members aren’t just working outβ€”they’re thriving together! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ Let’s make every member feel like a vital part of our studio family! #MemberRetention #StudioLife #CommunityFirst
New comment 23d ago
3 tips to Retain Members Longer
Parents love a supportive environment too!
Think beyond the classroom and build a community for families. Organise parent socials, create a private Facebook group, or host family movie nights. πŸ˜‰ Happy families = happy students = happy studio!
Parents love a supportive environment too!
Stop Speaking Too Fast TODAY!
Ever found yourself or your team talking so fast during a class that even you have no idea what was just said? πŸ˜… Yeah, me too! At one point, I was pretty sure I broke the sound barrier… and possibly my audience’s brains. 🧠πŸ’₯ Why do we do this? Maybe we think the faster we talk, the quicker we can escape the terrifying stage! πŸ›Έβœ¨ It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and rush through your words, leaving your members struggling to keep up. But with these 3 practical strategies, you can slow down and articulate your thoughts clearly. 1. Record and Review πŸŽ₯ Recording yourself can be a powerful tool for improvementβ€”you might have to get over the cringe factor as you hear your own voice! (I do!) Listen to the playback and pay attention to your pace. If you notice yourself rushing, practice those sections more slowly until a natural, steady rhythm feels comfortable. 2. Use Mindful Breathing 🌬️ Take deep breaths between sentences or main points. This not only helps you slow down but also gives your audience time to absorb what you’re saying. Staying centred and mindful can reduce the chances of speeding through your presentation. 3. Practice Out Loud πŸ—£οΈ This is IMPORTANTβ€”learn from my mistakes here! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ I have written many a beautiful speech only to trip over my own tongue when I was delivering the content I thought I knew really well. READING ISN'T THE SAME AS SPEAKING! Practicing out loud allows you to identify any phrases or words that might trip you up. If you found this helpful, then join us for a FREE LIVE training session where you'll learn how to BEAT Imposter Syndrome symptoms: When: Tuesday, 27th August at 9am (Sydney time) CLICK & REGISTER on this link to attend free πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ’»
New comment Aug 16
Stop Speaking Too Fast TODAY!
AI Video Creation Tools
We are getting this question a lot from martial arts, dance and fitness business owners, so I thought I would do a post on the AI tools we are seeing people use successfully. This is a great example of one that has made top quality videos, which I have borrowed from one of the Growth Club program participants in the private EFC Community. He creates a lot of social media posts and shared how he does it. He stated this is what he used... "I use either IMovie or CapCut and they are free and very easy to create. iMovie is straight forward and CapCut has mentioned is free but some captions or fonts you click on is a β€œPro” caption or Font and you will need to pay for that. But I just used the free captions and font πŸ‘. Quite a few other business owners also use Capcut - so that is one to consider. Love to hear what you have used - please comment below!
New comment Aug 15
AI Video Creation Tools
Finding the perfect instructor feels like winning a gold medal, right?
Take a deep breath and focus on these 3 must-haves! πŸ’ͺ🏻 What are your non-negotiables when hiring instructors? Let us know in the comments!
Finding the perfect instructor feels like winning a gold medal, right?
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SOS - Martial Arts & Dance Biz
Sold Out Studios:World-renowned Success Systems proven to ATTRACT & RETAIN members - for professional Martial Arts, Fitness & Dance Business Owners🌟
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