Stop Speaking Too Fast TODAY!
Ever found yourself or your team talking so fast during a class that even you have no idea what was just said? 😅
Yeah, me too! At one point, I was pretty sure I broke the sound barrier… and possibly my audience’s brains. 🧠💥
Why do we do this?
Maybe we think the faster we talk, the quicker we can escape the terrifying stage! 🛸✨
It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and rush through your words, leaving your members struggling to keep up.
But with these 3 practical strategies, you can slow down and articulate your thoughts clearly.
1. Record and Review 🎥
Recording yourself can be a powerful tool for improvement—you might have to get over the cringe factor as you hear your own voice!
(I do!)
Listen to the playback and pay attention to your pace.
If you notice yourself rushing, practice those sections more slowly until a natural, steady rhythm feels comfortable.
2. Use Mindful Breathing 🌬️
Take deep breaths between sentences or main points.
This not only helps you slow down but also gives your audience time to absorb what you’re saying.
Staying centred and mindful can reduce the chances of speeding through your presentation.
3. Practice Out Loud 🗣️
This is IMPORTANT—learn from my mistakes here! 🔥🔥🔥
I have written many a beautiful speech only to trip over my own tongue when I was delivering the content I thought I knew really well.
Practicing out loud allows you to identify any phrases or words that might trip you up.
If you found this helpful, then join us for a FREE LIVE training session where you'll learn how to BEAT Imposter Syndrome symptoms:
When: Tuesday, 27th August at 9am (Sydney time)
Danielle Drew
Stop Speaking Too Fast TODAY!
SOS - Martial Arts & Dance Biz
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