Here's how our partner Will brought in 2 new listings and a bucket load of appraisals in his first month of using FB:
Will covers a fairly regional town, about 5 hours from Brisbane, however that doesn't mean ads won't work for him.
The roadmap we built out together was essentially the same model I use for partners of "bigger" areas, the only difference being our targeting radius.
As in most cases, there's absolutely nothing special about this case study: Average Cost Per Lead, Average quality of leads, The same call scripts all our partners receive.
But what made the difference was Wills willingness (no pun intended) to stick. to. the. plan.
Will had already been doing quite good numbers himself, selling around 1 property a week, so it would've been quite easy for him to do what most other agents do when a couple leads don't answer the phone or put in the incorrect number.
"the ads aren't working" etc. etc.
However, Will was able to knuckle down, follow up with the leads that were coming in each day from the ads, and in return, was able to book in a good number of in person appraisals & TURN those conversations into 2 listings in his first month.
There's no rocket science or secret sauce to prospecting using socials, it's the exact same as doing cold call or door knocks.
Just stick to the plan and the results will follow.
Josh Eastwood
Here's how our partner Will brought in 2 new listings and a bucket load of appraisals in his first month of using FB:
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