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🎉 Welcome, Start Here! (Free Ad Playbook + Gift!)
Watch the video & complete the steps below: 1. Book your free 1-1 Skool onboarding call here 2. Build your predictable listing machine (modules) 3. Share your wins 4. Join 1-1 Program 5. Free Ad Playbook ✌️Josh P.S. Comment "I BOOKED" below if you scheduled your Skool Onboarding Call to receive an exclusive gift on your call 🎁
New comment 22d ago
🎉 Welcome, Start Here! (Free Ad Playbook + Gift!)
Welcome to Social Media Ads for Real Estate Pro's!
Hi, I'm Josh. I have set this community up with the aspiration of agents being able to set up, run and manage their own profitable listing acquisition campaigns, without having to fork out $1000's for an un-trusted 3rd party marketing agency. To access the “Listing Acquisition Blueprint”, click on “Classroom”, and the course will be there😀 Looking forward to seeing your wins! - Josh
4 appraisals in 3 days
WHEN WE STARTED WORKING WITH MICHAEL HE HAD JUST RE-ENTERED THE INDUSTRY AND WANTED TO BE SPEAKING TO AS MANY HOMEOWNERS AS POSSIBLE After running ads for 1 week he’d booked 4 appraisals, 3 days later he had a house on the market. What worked for Michael? Speed to lead was a major component. As soon as a lead came through, he had them on the phone The other aspect was his relentlessness in follow ups. Daily calls until he got an answer from the lead. This is nothing crazy nor is it something all of you can’t do. It just takes a willingness and hunger to grow. click the link below and we can audit together how you can convert more of your database into appraisals ->
4 appraisals in 3 days
Here's how David converted 4 COLD Facebook leads to 4 in person appraisals in 1 week...
(No rocket science or fancy funnels)🚀 As always, it's a simple approach. Just like letter box drops, there's no fancy way to do it. 1: We targeted 3 different suburbs which David wanted to focus on. 2: In each suburb, we ran 3 different ad images to see which worked the best (a street list, a map of the suburb & a sold home) 3: The leads were then converted via a Lead Form, where they'd put there info in to recieve a free property appraisal 4: The MOST important step. David was relentless with calling his leads as quickly as possible. If they didn't answer, he'd call every day until they did. Click this link to book in your onboarding call and we'll create a system so you can do this too: ✌️Josh
Here's how David converted 4 COLD Facebook leads to 4 in person appraisals in 1 week...
You don't need what's new. You need what works.
As humans, we are all susceptible to shiny object syndrome. It's no different for finding new ways to grow your pipeline and sell more homes. Agents are extremely quick to jump on "new trends" e.g AI Marketing, Chatbots, ads on X, ads on FB, IG, posting on Youtube etc. The truth is: You don't need what's new. You need what works. There are fundamental elements to a marketing campaign which MUST be met in order to speak to the homeowner. All homeowners have the same desire, regardless of location: sell my home for the MOST amount in the SHORTEST time possible. There are a million and 1 ways in which we can find new leads and speak to homeowners, but if at the core you aren't meeting these fundamentals in your marketing, it won't work. So next time you're considering trying a new way of getting leads because the last bunch of things you tried didn't work, ask yourself if it's the method's fault, or the marketing itself. ✌️Josh
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Social Media Ads For RE
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