Sleep As a Competitive Advantage
Sleep is a competitive advantage. In a world of under-slept people, you can stand out by sleeping well. It's going to help you perform at a higher level, be more creative, more social and likeable, more driven and motivated.
In the video below I refer to Sleep 101, Which is a video found in Day 2 of the course you may have already watched. I wanted to post this here and Pin it because it's a really valuable thought to focus on while improving our sleep. I want to help you reach your goals and succeed. Your investment into your sleep is a huge step in that direction
Sleep well :)
Nicolas Gauthier
Sleep As a Competitive Advantage
Somnus Performance
How's your sleep? Seriously. Want to crush your goals at work, in the gym, and in relationships? Good sleep is essential. That's what we're about.
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