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I need your help! is happening in 16 hours
A Simple Workout Routine for Beginners
Warm-Up (3-5 mins) March in place – 1 minute Arm swings – 1 minute (swing arms forward and back) Leg stretches – 1 minute each leg (gently stretch your quads and hamstrings) Main Workout (15-20 mins) 1. Chair Squats – 2 sets of 10 reps Stand in front of a chair, lower your hips like you're about to sit, then stand back up. 2. Wall Push-Ups – 2 sets of 8-10 reps Stand facing a wall, place hands on the wall, and lower your body towards it, then push back. 3. Step-Back Lunges – 2 sets of 10 reps (5 each leg) Step one leg back, lower your body slightly, and return to standing. 4. Knee Plank – Hold for 20-30 seconds Start in a plank position but with your knees on the ground for extra support. 5. Glute Bridges – 2 sets of 12 reps Lie on your back, knees bent, and lift your hips towards the ceiling, then lower them back down. Cool-Down (5 mins) Light stretches for arms and legs Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds Breathe deeply and relax
New comment 11h ago
20 Minutes A Day!
I've been struggling to get in my daily workouts lately and it has started telling on my general physical well-being. I am well aware that ranting without action is simply a fool's errand that gets you nowhere, so today I decided to jump on the treadmill immediately I came in from school run, determined to run for 20 mins exactly, (micro win) to enable me get ready in time for work. Now why was this difficult for me before now? I had formed a habit of spending extra time in bed doing practically nothing but scroll through social media or have endless conversations with my husband until I find myself in a hurry to get ready for work. I consciously ended this bad habit today and I'm making this post hoping that someone else commits to ending one bad habit they've previously indulged in by tomorrow morning. This is accountability, let's walk the talk! Who's with me?
New comment 14h ago
20 Minutes A Day!
8 Simple Steps to Better Sleep
Hey, let’s talk about sleep. We all know it’s important, but sometimes it feels difficult to sleep well. I’ve got some simple tips to help you sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed. Tips: ⏩ Get Some Morning Sunlight: Try to get sunlight on your eyes within the first hour of waking up. It helps set your body’s internal clock and wakes you up naturally. ⏩ Stick to a Routine: Going to bed and waking up at the same times every day really helps. Your body loves consistency. ⏩ Skip the Caffeine (8 Hours Before Bed): No coffee 8 hours before bed, and avoid it within 90 minutes of waking up. It’ll help you wind down properly at night and avoid that afternoon crash. ⏩ Ditch the Phone: Avoid your phone right before bed or as soon as you wake up. The screen light messes with your sleep quality. ⏩ Keep Naps Short: If you need a nap, make it 15 minutes or less. Anything longer messes with your night’s sleep. ⏩ Sleep in Darkness: Make your room as dark as possible, and keep it slightly cool for better sleep. ⏩ Watch the Alcohol: Alcohol might make you feel sleepy, but it actually ruins your sleep quality. ⏩ Start Your Day Right: Begin your morning with a glass of water (add a pinch of salt and lemon if you can) to recharge your brain and stay hydrated. Incorporate these tips and see how much better you feel. Sleep is the foundation for everything else in life, so take care of it, and you’ll notice improvements across the board!
New comment 23h ago
How to do 2 hours of Deep work after a bad night sleep
Woke up today and didn't feel refreshed. My whoop score flatters me! The question is how to still attack the day despite a bad night sleep. This was my main question today. A few of my insights I mention in this video -powerful morning routine -morning sunlight -good hydration and nutrition -Power Nap in afternoon if possible -strategic caffeine -exercise -prepare for good night sleep tonight and get back on track It's all about sleeping well in the longterm. Short term bad sleeps happen! I am on a quest to fix my bad sleep habits in 30 days. Today is day 3!
New comment 10d ago
How to do 2 hours of Deep work after a bad night sleep
Exercise and sleep 🔥
1. Exercise effects on Sleep Stages Exercise promotes restorative sleep meaning more DEEP sleep and REM sleep. This is where your learning and memories are consolidated and leads to you feeling refreshed and restored when you wake up. 2. Timing and intensity of exercise Is it really better to do exercise in morning? Yes exercise wakes you up by releasing neurotransmitters, cortisol, adrenaline and endorphins. It is a good idea to align this with your circadian rhythm and kickstart your day. if you have to exercise in evening choose the relaxing mindful yoga and stretching. beware that an increase in body temperature will take you longer to fall asleep. (your core temperature must drop before entering sleep!) 3. Different Types of Exercise for Better Sleep cardio, strength and mindfulness exercises all have different advantages to better sleep. The combined affects being physical fatigue, stress reduction and hormonal release. All these components promote a more restful and deeper sleep as well as decreasing your sleep latency (the time taken to fall asleep!) JUST RELEASED 1ST video of WEEK 3 in my Classrooms!🔥💪🚀
New comment 12d ago
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The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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