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Q&A Yoga For Anyone is happening in 30 days
Breathwork & Yoga
Did you know that we breathe predominantly through one nostril for about ninety minutes over the course of the day and then switch to the other nostril? Ancient yogis believed there was a science behind which side we breathed through and how to use that side to be more productive or to relax. They thought that breathing in through the left nostril accesses the right 'feeling' hemisphere of the brain and helps with relaxation, whereas breathing in through the right side activates the left 'thinking' side of the brain and can help energize the mind and body. Consciously alternating between the two sides helps activate and access the entire brain and unites our left and right sides.
Breathwork & Yoga
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Simple Yoga For Anyone
This group is for individuals who would love to regain some mobility but at a low-impact or beginner level.
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