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NuCalm App for Nervous System
Hey guys! this really helped me. It's a phone application that uses Binaural Beats called, "NuCalm". It uses Sticker Discs with the Gabba Neurotransmitter frequency to influence the body into relaxation, and Binaural Beats to influence the brain into states of relaxation. It sounds a little Wuu Wuu, but I've tracked my recovery with my "Whoop" band, and it really does help my body and nervous system recover faster. I'd been having trouble breathing when I get Anxious, which made me more Anxious, which gave me more trouble breathing, and so on, until I was on the brink of a Panic Attack. After I put the sticker on my left wrist and listened to their 50 minute "Rescue" "Neuroscience" Binaural Beat. I was breathing like I used to before the Anxiety and felt very good as a whole. I only had 1 sticker, so I got some new ones and I'm going to experiment some more today...I'll keep you updated.
Meditating After Waking and Before Bed
Apparently, the brain is most influenced when it's in Theta Brain Waves. We only really experience them when we are coming out of sleep and going into it. So, I've been experimenting with Meditating right after waking before I do anything else and meditate myself into sleep. This is the meditation that I've been using... It guides you through a body relaxation exercise along with relaxing binaural beats, that has helped me relax and better receive the meditation.
Meditating After Waking and Before Bed
What kind of Anxiety are you trying to overcome?
Go and check the "Anxiety Types" course, in the "Classroom" tab to check it out.
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I've made huge progress! but...
Since this whole thing started, I've made a lot of progress. I'm not constantly in fight or flight mode anymore. My anxiety does come back whenever I step outside of my house, watch something that stimulates my nervous system, or eat something I shouldn't, but I've made huuuge progress. I'm very proud and happy about, but I'm not yet back to normal. With that said, I'm stoked about the direction I'm heading in, and hopeful about getting better. :)
Calming Down My Nervous System and Tracking Recovery
I'm a devoted Tony Robbins fan, but I've noticed that his teaching is for people with a different degree of control over their nervous system. I have a very sensitive nervous system right now, so my coach said I need to be able to take it easy for a while to recover my nervous system. So I've been looking for strategies that are progressing me into getting better; instead of, laying around and hoping that being lazy is helping. I got a subscription to "NuCalm", which devotes themselves to creating Binaural and Isochronic Beats that help influence the brain towards different states of mind. I tracked my nervous system recovery with a "Whoop" band, and "NuCalm" has absolutely helped my recover my nervous system. So, I'm going to be using it to get better faster....I'll keep you updated with the results.
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Self-Help Anxiety
If you're struggling with Anxiety and are tired of suffering, this group is dedicated to finding answers from Self-Help, and like-minded people.
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