Calming Down My Nervous System and Tracking Recovery
I'm a devoted Tony Robbins fan, but I've noticed that his teaching is for people with a different degree of control over their nervous system. I have a very sensitive nervous system right now, so my coach said I need to be able to take it easy for a while to recover my nervous system. So I've been looking for strategies that are progressing me into getting better; instead of, laying around and hoping that being lazy is helping.
I got a subscription to "NuCalm", which devotes themselves to creating Binaural and Isochronic Beats that help influence the brain towards different states of mind. I tracked my nervous system recovery with a "Whoop" band, and "NuCalm" has absolutely helped my recover my nervous system. So, I'm going to be using it to get better faster....I'll keep you updated with the results.
Manny Dominguez-Marquez
Calming Down My Nervous System and Tracking Recovery
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