My Focus Increased when I did This
Yeah we have those times when we are unproductive with our time and we are looking on entertaining videos all day that won't move us anywhere in life or we just scroll without even realizing we got sucked into those algorithms that those platforms got. I had been there. I wanted to find a way how to make myself more productive and I realized that it's more simple than it looks like. On my phone I went to settings and limited time spent on the apps that were only taking my time away to maximum 20 minutes a day and I started to track it for few weeks and indeed my productivity skyrocketed I stopped spending time on things that won't grow me or my business and I actually saw growth in myself not in bad things I consumed.
I recommend you to limit your games, social media usage in your phone settings so you won't have to be a slave to your entertainment side.
Maxim Suldin
My Focus Increased when I did This
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